Yes, lots of stuff.  Quite eloquent, if I must say.

Played in Ft. Wayne for Ron and Jane Caldwell’s art showing, all of the art sold went to cancer victim benefit.  It rocked

Played in Denver for Anya’s Friends benefit.  It rocked.

Gearing up to play for Brew for the Cure benefit in Bloomington in October.  It will rock.

Recital is happening October 30, with Zai studio.  Relentlessly.  Rocks.

Doing a lot of recording, lots of film and tv cues for  That rocks.

Going to LA in November for road rally.  Rocks.

Have a couple other projects, recording some great new country artist, also recording some great covers of (Men at Work) Colin Hay by another great local player.

A great year!


One comment on “Lots of stuff going on!

  • Hallo Steve,
    Ich habe gerade deine alte Schule angerufen und gehoert, dass du nicht mehr da bist. Zuerst war ich geschockt. Dann musste ich dich im Internet suchen und habe dich gefunden! KLASSE! Wo kann ich deine Musik hoeren!
    Alles Gute,
    Dagmar aus Chicago

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